Interview with rector Emil Ceban: "Medical sciences have always attracted the best young people"
The decision to develop a career in the health area may not be the easiest, but it is certainly one that can bring you great satisfaction over time. It all starts now - with the admission to ”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy. And for a good start, you need to be informed. The best person to answer the questions that may arise is none other than Rector Emil Ceban, university professor, Doctor Habilitated in Medical Sciences, who has managed to pass himself through all university training stages.
Dear Rector, please tell us how does Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy position itself today among the higher education institutions of the country. What are its advantages over other universities?
Rector Emil Ceban: Quality, excellence and high performance define today Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova. During over 75 years of activity we have been strictly guided by these notions, adding only continuing professoinal development aspirations, based on the requirements of a modern and progressive society.
Over time, we have shown that we provide a high level of medical and pharmaceutical education - a truly European one, which involves the principle of in-depth and complex training of health professionals and helps local and foreign students cultivate relevant skills.
Medicine has always attracted the best young people, especially the ambitious and brave ones, with uprightness and great desire to become good doctors or erudite pharmacists. The environment in which future specialists study, the quality of teaching-learning-assessment, University's popularity worldwide, access to specialized information resources, collaboration relations with external partners, academic mobility, the reputation of professors and researchers, internationalization, etc. constitute indisputable advantages and place the University in the top position among country’s most highly rated institutions.
How does the competition for admission to higher education at Nicolae Testemitanu University take place?
Rector: This year, the process of admission to higher education for 2021-2022 started with the online submission of files. At the first stage, candidates registered and uploaded their documents onto platform. Today, the intermediate results of the competition have been announced on the University's website. All those who are on the lists must submit the original documents between August 4-10, 2021. This process is organized according to an established schedule, to ensure social distance and compliance with measures for preventing the spread of the new type of coronavirus. Only applicants who have submitted the original documents will be able to participate in the final competition. Young people who have not passed the intermediate admission competition, but want to participate in the final competition, must submit the documents within the established deadlines as well. The final results will be made public on August 12, on the institution's website - We urge you to access it as often as possible for information. If some places remain unfilled, the second round of admission will be organized.
How do you view the interest of young people in studying at Nicolae Testemitanu University, given the effects of the pandemic on the country’s healthcare workers?
Rector: Our university has always managed to attract the best young people of the country. As regards the envisaged number of applicants for places financed from the state budget and for those with tuition fees, I do not think that there will be significant changes as compared to previous years.
I would like to mention that young people, who want to practice medicine and decide to follow their childhood dream, only have to confirm now their desire and submit the necessary documents for entering the competition.
I am firmly convinced that the consequences of pandemic among healthcare workers will not affect the applicants’choice. On the contrary, I believe that medical professions have become more attractive and appreciated. This year’s figures represent a proof in this regard: for the first time we recorded 1687 applicants registered online, of which 1001 young people have been selected as a result of intermediate admission competition.
Nicolae Testemitanu University is the first and the only internationally accredited higher education institution of the Republic of Moldova. What opportunities does this document provide for students and graduates?
Rector: By obtaining international accreditation, the University has demonstrated its commitment to excellence in medical and pharmaceutical training. We continue to focus on improving the quality of services in education, research, healthcare, continuing professional development, etc. Yes, it is a document much coveted by the academic community of our university, an important achievement for both the image of the University and the worldwide recognition of our students’ diplomas. That is why we tend to improve the quality of study programs and to modernize all institutional activities. During the years of studies, medical students will have the opportunity to benefit from high quality trainings, academic mobilities in specialized institutions abroad, to enroll in various international programs with external funding, etc. As long as the University increases its visibility worldwide, students, resident physicians, scientists and teachers, but also researchers will become highly rated professionals, just like their peers from other countries. Our graduates are appreciated all over the world. At the moment, our goal is to meet the international standards with a view to attracting more local and foreign applicants and building a high-performance healthcare system.
How can young people be persuaded to continue their studies in our country, and, in particular, to select one of the programs offered by the University?
Rector: Most young people are tempted to go abroad to gain knowledge and live new experiences. Nicolae Testemitanu University offers them all the necessary conditions to develop by studying at home, being with their family and loved ones. Of course, over time, some students achieve good results and, knowing foreign languages, have the opportunity to do their internship in medical clinics abroad, enrolling in various international programs under which they can also get scholarships. The University has signed 145 collaboration agreements with medical institutions and universities from 28 countries, including Erasmus + and Erasmus Mundus - international programs under which many of our medical students have realized their dream of going abroad, but also of acquiring valuable knowledge. Of course, in addition to academic mobility, our university offers many other advantageous opportunities. I would like to reiterate that our country needs qualified specialists, and we have the mission to train these specialists - future doctors and pharmacists - for the national health system. Therefore, we offer them a double advantage: the opportunity to live new experiences abroad and the comfort of studying at home and staying with the loved ones.
If you mentioned the opportunities, what possibilities does Nicolae Testemitanu University offer to future doctors and pharmacists?
Rector: Today, at the University are studying about 5,800 students from the Republic of Moldova and from other 35 countries, 375 doctoral students and 1282 resident doctors. All benefit from high-level training - a truly European one, competent teachers, modern study, research and accommodation conditions: classrooms and research laboratories with high-performance equipment, over 2000 accommodation places in hostels, canteens, two sports complexes and an outdoor sports field, recreation areas with free Wi-Fi, etc.
The training process takes place in four languages: Romanian, Russian, English and French. Medical students’ practical activity is carried out at 95 university clinics, located in republican and municipal medical institutions.
There is also a University Center for Simulation in Medical Training, which implements modern methods of training medical specialists. At the UCSMT, starting with the second year of studies, students acquire communication skills with patients and develop the right medical skills with the help of standardized patients and high-fidelity simulators.
Moreover, the university has qualified psychologists who provide counseling and support services at the Center for Psychological Counseling and Career Guidance, ensuring confidentiality in any situation. At the same time, this center supports the medical students, helping them to integrate into university life.
We are in a process of continuous development and modernization of study and research conditions, thus opening new horizons for each student, resident doctor, doctoral student, scientific-didactic staff member, and researcher.
What message do you have for the future students?
Rector: Dear young people, we all do have a purpose in life… Given the great truth that the best way to invest is to invest in your knowledge and skills, I encourage you to follow your dreams and unleash your untapped potential in order to succeed. Certainly, the activity in which you invest today will bring you popularity and the satisfaction of a job well done tomorrow.
We do not need to convince you because the prestige of the noble professions of doctor, pharmacist, public healthcare specialist, general nurse, optometrist or radiologist speaks for itself and you will certainly make the best choice.
Explore your potential under one of the study programs offered by Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy and become representatives of special professions, specialists who can reduce pain and restore people's confidence in themselves and in their future!
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