The National Institute for Health and Medical Research (NIHMR) carries out its research activity pursuant to the general objectives outlined in the Strategy for Strengthening the Field of Research and Innovation at ”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova for the years 2020 - 2030 and the Action Plan regarding the implementation of the Strategy for Strengthening the Field of Research and Innovation at ”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova for the years 2020 - 2030:
General objective 1. Modernization of the research sector structure and converting it into an entity suitable for the purposes of coordinating health research in the Republic of Moldova, of education through research, of ensuring scientific competitiveness, of interaction with national and international partners.
General objective 2. Converting the research infrastructure into a modern entity, capable of ensuring advanced scientific research, education through research and integration into the international networks of infrastructures for research and technology transfer.
General objective 3. Practical implementation of the principle of education through research.
General objective 4. Internationalization of the research process at Nicolae Testemitanu University and practical implementation of Open Science principles.
General objective 5. Strengthening the technological transfer of research activity results obtained at Nicolae Testemitanu University.
General objective 6. Increasing the visibility of research conducted at Nicolae Testemitanu University at the national and international level. Enhancing the performance and international visibility of research carried out at the University as a result of promoting its image at the international level.
General objective 7. Increasing the responsibility of researchers for the quality of obtained scientific results. Promoting research excellence, academic integrity and research ethics.
General objective 8. Protection of intellectual property.
The Research Department within NIHMR performs its activity in accordance with the legislation in force, the orders of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, the National Agency for Research and Development, the University Charter, the University's internal regulations, the Moral Code, other regulations and orders of the University, as well as in accordance with the Regulation of the Research Department.
The National Institute for Health and Medical Research promotes a research process combined with the educational one, supports the involvement of students, residents and young teaching staff in the research process and ensures that international research quality criteria are applied at the University.