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Publicat: 02.02.2023

Calendarul apelurilor de proiecte de cercetare și inovare pe domeniul sănătate


Termen limită de aplicare


Programul de finanțare

Denumirea apelului


Scopul apelului


26 November 2024 

Comisia Europeană


Horizon Europe

Implementation research for management of multiple long-term conditions in the context of non-communicable diseases (Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases - GACD)


Consortiu din minim 3 țari din care:


cel puțin o entitate juridică independentă stabilită într-un stat membru;

cel puțin alte două entități juridice independente, fiecare dintre ele stabilită în alt stat membru sau țări asociate.


25 September 2024  Comisia Europeană Horizon Europe European Partnership: One Health Anti-Microbial Resistance 

Consortiu din minim 3 țari din care:

cel puțin o entitate juridică independentă stabilită într-un stat membru;

cel puțin alte două entități juridice independente, fiecare dintre ele stabilită în alt stat membru sau țări asociate.

26 November 2024  Comisia Europeană Horizon Europe European partnership for pandemic preparedness  Consortiu din minim 3 țari HORIZON-HLTH-2024-DISEASE-12-01

Deadline date

27 November 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time

Comisia Europeană Horizon Europe

MSCA Doctoral Networks 2024


Consortiu din minim 3 țari HORIZON-MSCA-2024-DN-01-01

Deadline date

11 September 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time

Comisia Europeană Horizon Europe

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024


Consortiu din minim 3 țari HORIZON-MSCA-2024-PF-01-01

Deadline date

26 September 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time

Comisia Europeană Horizon Europe


Mono-beneficiar HORIZON-MSCA-2024-COFUND-01-01

Deadline date

05 February 2025 17:00:00 Brussels time

Comisia Europeană Horizon Europe

MSCA Staff Exchanges 2024


Consortiu din minim 3 țari HORIZON-MSCA-2024-SE-01-01

Deadline date

22 October 2025 

Comisia Europeană Horizon Europe

European Researchers' Night and Researchers at Schools 2026-2027


Consortiu din minim 3 țari HORIZON-MSCA-2025-CITIZENS-01-01

Deadline date

24 June 2025 

Comisia Europeană Horizon Europe






18 ianuarie 2024


18 ianuarie 2025

Germania, Ministerul Federal al Educației și Cercetării din Germania, BMBF

Framework Call on the promotion of projects in research and innovation cooperation with the countries of the Eastern Partnership and Central Asia

Framework Call on the promotion of projects in research and innovation cooperation with the countries of the Eastern Partnership and Central Asia

Aplicantul este instituția din Germania

40 000 Euro (9 luni);

400 000 Euro (36 luni)



The BMBF wants to further strengthen research cooperation with the countries of the Eastern Partnership and Central Asia. Regulations for the funding of this close research cooperation have now been announced.

9 februarie 2024

Fonduri Europene

Programul transfrontalier RO-MD Interreg Next

Small scale grants


Regular projects


Din Romania:






Republica Moldova

200 000-500 000 Euro

(in dependenta de prioritate)



300 000 Euro – 1 500 000 Euro

(in dependenta de prioritate)


Cofinanțare 10%

28 June, 2024 (14:00 hrs, Romania time) Transfrontaliere Interreg Next Black Sea Basin    

Second Calls for Proposals

11 aprilie 2024

Comisia Europeană

Horizon Europe

Bio-printing of living cells for regenerative medicine


Consortiu din minim 3 țari din care:


cel puțin o entitate juridică independentă stabilită într-un stat membru;

cel puțin alte două entități juridice independente, fiecare dintre ele stabilită în alt stat membru sau țări asociate.


Regenerative medicine is a branch of translational research in tissue engineering and molecular biology which deals with the "process of replacing, engineering or regenerating human cells, tissues or organs to restore or establish normal function". 3D-printing in general is considered an advanced manufacturing technique and 3D-printing of non-viable biomaterials to serve e.g. as scaffold for cell growth or as structure for medical devices is already broadly used.

11 aprilie 2024

Comisia Europeană

Horizon Europe

Gaining experience and confidence in New Approach Methodologies (NAM) for regulatory safety and efficacy testing – coordinated training and experience exchange for regulators


Consortiu din minim 3 țari din care:


cel puțin o entitate juridică independentă stabilită într-un stat membru;

cel puțin alte două entități juridice independente, fiecare dintre ele stabilită în alt stat membru sau țări asociate.


There is increasing scientific evidence pointing to the limitations of animal testing for safety and efficacy assessment of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Europe is also experiencing a strong societal demand to move away from animal testing. Scientific progress of the past two decades has produced a number of animal-free New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) that have the potential to be used instead of the animal models that are currently employed for such testing. However, knowledge, experience and confidence on how results from the NAM assays could be used is still lacking among regulators, which could limit the industry’s use of NAMs because of lack of legal certainty when generating safety and health data requested by EU legislation.

11 aprilie 2024

Comisia Europeană

Horizon Europe

Pandemic preparedness and response: Host-pathogen interactions of infectious diseases with epidemic potential


Consortiu din minim 3 țari din care:


cel puțin o entitate juridică independentă stabilită într-un stat membru;

cel puțin alte două entități juridice independente, fiecare dintre ele stabilită în alt stat membru sau țări asociate.


As shown by the COVID-19 pandemic, infectious diseases remain a major threat to health and health security in the EU and globally. Viral disease emergence is expected to accelerate due to among other factors, climate change, and thus a proactive approach to the development of vaccines and inhibitors for the cellular uptake of viruses in preparedness for future infectious disease outbreaks is needed. The availability of vaccines and candidates that inhibit cellular uptake of viruses would provide a critical preparedness measure against future health threats, in particular against pathogens with high pandemic potential meeting the criteria identified by the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA)[1].

08 februarie 2024

Comisia Europeană

Horizon Europe



Consortiu din minim 3 țari din care:


cel puțin o entitate juridică independentă stabilită într-un stat membru;

cel puțin alte două entități juridice independente, fiecare dintre ele stabilită în alt stat membru sau țări asociate.

Finantarea programelor de doctorat si postdoctorat



Applicants submit proposals for new or existing doctoral or postdoctoral programmes with an impact on the enhancement of human resources in R&I at regional, national or international level. These programmes will be co-funded by MSCA COFUND.

28 februarie 2024

Comisia Europeană

Horizon Europe

MSCA Staff Exchanges 2023


Consortiu din minim 3 țari din care:


cel puțin o entitate juridică independentă stabilită într-un stat membru;

cel puțin alte două entități juridice independente, fiecare dintre ele stabilită în alt stat membru sau țări asociate.

Finantarea mobilitatilor de cercetare conform normativelor europene



MSCA Staff Exchanges involve organisations from the academic and non-academic sectors (including SMEs) from across the globe.

Support is provided for international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary mobility of R&I staff leading to knowledge transfer between participating organisations.


07 martie 2024

Comisia Europeană

Horizon Europe

Excellence Hubs


Consortiu din minim 3 țari din care:


cel puțin o entitate juridică independentă stabilită într-un stat membru;

cel puțin alte două entități juridice independente, fiecare dintre ele stabilită în alt stat membru sau țări asociate.


Excellence hubs are part of the European Excellence Initiative and complement the science-oriented schemes Teaming, Twinning, ERA Chairs and the European Excellence Initiative for universities by a dedicated innovation component. Excellence hubs will focus on innovation by allowing innovation ecosystems in Widening countries and beyond, to team up and create better linkages between academia, business, government and society. This will foster a real place-based innovation culture in Widening countries based on a strategic agenda aligned with regional or national smart specialisation strategies. In this context, synergies will be sought with the programme parts on European Innovation Ecosystems, EIC pathfinder and the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) as well as the initiative ‘Partnerships for Regional Innovation’ run by the JRC. The excellence hubs will be the basis in Widening countries of the pan-European Innovation Ecosystem of the new Innovation Agenda for Europe. The proposal should also demonstrate the win-win effects of the partnership established by the consortium and the benefits for employment and post crisis recovery.

07 martie 2024

Comisia Europeană

Horizon Europe

ERA Chairs


Consortiu din minim 3 țari din care:


cel puțin o entitate juridică independentă stabilită într-un stat membru;

cel puțin alte două entități juridice independente, fiecare dintre ele stabilită în alt stat membru sau țări asociate.


Research organisations located in Widening countries interested in establishing an ERA Chair should submit a proposal with the prospective ERA Chair holder who should be an outstanding researcher and/or innovator in the chosen scientific domain. The scientific field can be any domain of research and innovation.

12 martie 2024

Comisia Europeană

Horizon Europe

Research infrastructure concept development


Consortiu din minim 3 țari din care:


cel puțin o entitate juridică independentă stabilită într-un stat membru;

cel puțin alte două entități juridice independente, fiecare dintre ele stabilită în alt stat membru sau țări asociate.

Finantarea infrastructurilor de cercetare

12 martie 2024

Comisia Europeană

Horizon Europe

Strengthen the bilateral cooperation on research infrastructures with Africa


Consortiu din minim 3 țari din care:


cel puțin o entitate juridică independentă stabilită într-un stat membru;

cel puțin alte două entități juridice independente, fiecare dintre ele stabilită în alt stat membru sau țări asociate.

Finantarea infrastructurilor de cercetare

12 martie 2024

Comisia Europeană

Horizon Europe

R&D for the next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools, methods, solutions for RI upgrade


Consortiu din minim 3 țari din care:


cel puțin o entitate juridică independentă stabilită într-un stat membru;

cel puțin alte două entități juridice independente, fiecare dintre ele stabilită în alt stat membru sau țări asociate.


The aim of this topic is to deliver innovative scientific instrumentation, tools, methods and solutions which advance the state-of-art of RIs in the EU and Associated Countries, and show transformative potential in RIs operation. The related developments, which underpin the provision of improved and advanced services, should lead research infrastructures to support new areas of research and/or a wider community of users, including industrial users.


Project results are expected to contribute to several of the following expected outcomes:

enhanced scientific competitiveness of European research infrastructures;

enhanced RI capacities to address research challenges and EU policy priorities;

foundations for the development of innovative companies;

increased collaboration of research infrastructures with universities, research organisations and industry;

increase of the technological level of industries through the co-development of advanced technologies for research infrastructures and creation of potential new markets;

integration of research infrastructures into local, regional and global innovation systems and promotion of entrepreneurial culture.


12 martie 2024

Comisia Europeană

Horizon Europe

Strengthening researchers’ skills for better careers – leveraging the European Competence Framework for Researchers


Consortiu din minim 3 țari din care:


cel puțin o entitate juridică independentă stabilită într-un stat membru;

cel puțin alte două entități juridice independente, fiecare dintre ele stabilită în alt stat membru sau țări asociate.


Skills are of utmost importance for researchers, they allow them to perform high quality research, and to make the overall European R&I system competitive and challenges-proof. However, it is crucial that researchers are equipped not only with research-specific skills, but also with transversal skills that allow them to be interoperable between academia and the other sectors, including industry and business, and to be capable to establish entrepreneurial activities to turn innovative ideas into business and lead to social, environmental and economic profitability.

12 martie 2024

Comisia Europeană

Horizon Europe

Programme level collaboration between national R&I policy-makers


Consortiu din minim 3 țari din care:


cel puțin o entitate juridică independentă stabilită într-un stat membru;

cel puțin alte două entități juridice independente, fiecare dintre ele stabilită în alt stat membru sau țări asociate.


Since the introduction of the European Research Area (ERA) in 2000 and starting with Framework Programme 6 and the introduction of the ERA-NET scheme, programme level collaboration among Member States and Associated Countries and their research and innovation funding programmes has become a cornerstone of the ERA, with annual investment from Member States of more than EUR 800 million per year. More than 250 networks among research funders have been created over time, serving different research needs but always coordinating public research investments across borders and allowing researchers to apply for calls for transnational research projects funded by the participating states.

12 martie 2024

Comisia Europeană

Horizon Europe

Policy coordination to support all aspects of inclusive Gender Equality Plans and policies in the ERA


Consortiu din minim 3 țari din care:


cel puțin o entitate juridică independentă stabilită într-un stat membru;

cel puțin alte două entități juridice independente, fiecare dintre ele stabilită în alt stat membru sau țări asociate.


As the new package adopted on 26 November 2021 on the European Research Area (ERA) framework[1] reaffirms, there is a need for policy coordination to advance the implementation of the ERA gender equality and inclusiveness objectives within Member States, Associated Countries and among other ERA stakeholders, building on the commitment expressed through the Ljubljana Declaration on gender equality in research and innovation[2].

12 martie 2024

Comisia Europeană

Horizon Europe

Support to the implementation of inclusive gender equality plans


Consortiu din minim 3 țari din care:


cel puțin o entitate juridică independentă stabilită într-un stat membru;

cel puțin alte două entități juridice independente, fiecare dintre ele stabilită în alt stat membru sau țări asociate.


Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:

Enhance the reputation, attractiveness, inclusiveness and R&I excellence of less advanced organisations as a result of implementing inclusive gender equality plans;

Transform R&I organisations to advance ERA policy objectives on gender equality and inclusiveness.


The institutional change strategy implemented through gender equality plans (GEPs) has had very positive impacts in many R&I organisations and been a catalyser at national and EU level, as attested by several reports[1]. The introduction of a GEP eligibility criterion in Horizon Europe, for public bodies, research organisations and higher education institutions from Member States and Associated Countries, has increased the level of uptake of gender equality activities. However, there remains a heterogeneity in the implementation of GEPs across the EU and Associated Countries, particularly in the Widening countries. Furthermore, the new ERA framework established through the Council Recommendation and Council Conclusions adopted on 26 November 2021[2], sets the implementation of inclusive GEPs as a core objective for the promotion of gender equality and inclusiveness.



Anunț pentru finanțare Acțiuni întru stabilirea structurilor sustenabile de parteneriat comune (BMBF)


Instrument de căutare a partenerilor pentru aplicarea proiectelor în cadrul Programului Horizon Europe: 


Apel mobilități de cercetare pentru tinerii cercetători (Deadline 19 noiembrie 2023) Formular de aplicare.


Apeluri proiecte Orizont Europa pe domeniul Sănătate


Apeluri proiecte Programul EU4Health


Apeluri proiecte ICGEB Trieste, Italia:


Programul COST


Central European Initiative (CEI) - open calls


Apeluri de proiecte Programul Interreg Next RO-MD


Platforma EU Calls Dashboard


Oportunități burse de cercetare Oficiul German DAAD


Aplică în calitate de expert la Comisia Europeană


Proiectele de colaborare România - Republica Moldova ROMD2023


Fellowships and individual research grants (ERC, MSCA)


Apeluri deschise National Institute of Health (NIH), USA




Termen de aplicare

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

9 februarie 2023

8 martie 2023

28 noiembrie 2023

Cluster Health


TOPIC ID: HORIZON-HLTH-2024-STAYHLTH-01-02-two-stage:

Towards a holistic support to children and adolescents’ health and care provisions in an increasingly digital society

2-stage / Deadline dates

19 September 2023 

11 April 2024 

TOPIC ID: HORIZON-HLTH-2024-DISEASE-03-13-two-stage:

Validation of fluid-derived biomarkers for the prediction and prevention of brain disorders

2-stage / Deadline dates

19 September 2023 

11 April 2024


Testing and demonstrating transformative solutions to build resilience towards health risks caused by the effects of climate change

Deadline date

20 September 2023 

TOPIC ID: HORIZON-HLTH-2024-DISEASE-03-11-two-stage

Pandemic preparedness and response: Adaptive platform trials for pandemic preparedness

Deadline dates

19 September 2023 

11 April 2024 


Pandemic preparedness and response: Host-pathogen interactions of infectious diseases with epidemic potential

Deadline date

11 April 2024 

Widening participation and spreading excellence  
Twinning Bottom-Up


Deadline date 28 September 2023 17:00:00 Brussels time
ERA Talents


Deadline date 26 September 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time
ERA Chairs


Deadline date 07 March 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time
Excellence Hubs


Deadline date 07 March 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time

Scrierea proiectelor Horizon Europe

(Suport video) 

Webinar: How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe (morning session)

Webinar: How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe (afternoon session)


Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a proposal?

Aplică în calitate de expert la Comisia Europeană EU Experts Call for Expression of Interest


Centrul Internațional pentru Inginerie Genetică și Biotehnologii (ICGEB) din Trieste, Italia


Arturo Falaschi PhD Fellowships 2024

Closing Dates for Applications:31 MARCH 2024

ICGEB offers postgraduate studies with the aim of obtaining the “Doctor Philosophiae” (PhD) degree in the life sciences.

Arturo Falaschi Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024

Closing Dates for Applications:31 MARCH 2024 

ICGEB offers competitive Postdoctoral Fellowships in Life Sciences to highly motivated scientists wishing to pursue postdoctoral research in a world-class scientific environment.

Arturo Falaschi Short-term Postdoctoral Fellowships

Closing Dates for Applications:31 MARCH 2024

ICGEB offers Short-term fellowships for Postdoctoral studies in ICGEB Component laboratories to fund ongoing collaborative research between scientists from ICGEB Member States and research groups at ICGEB laboratories.

Arturo Falaschi Short-term PhD Fellowships – March 2024

Closing Dates for Applications:31 MARCH 2024

ICGEB offers Short-term fellowships for Pre-doctoral studies in ICGEB Component laboratories to fund ongoing collaborative research between scientists from ICGEB Member States and research groups at ICGEB laboratories.

Smart Fellowships – March 2024

Closing Dates for Applications:31 MARCH 2024

The ICGEB SMART Fellowship programme promotes the mobility of researchers between ICGEB Member States.

Meetings and Courses Call for Proposals 2024

Collaborative Research Program

CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2023 CRP – Research Grants


Apeluri finanțate de ANCD

(proiecte internaționale multilaterale)

Termen limita de aplicare:

Apelul Rezistența antimicrobiană (RAM) - diagnostic și supraveghere 2023

7 martie 2023 (pre-proposal)

4 iulie 2023 (full proposal)